Get involved at Hart House

Alumni and friends are an essential part of Hart House. We invite you to stay connected and help foster the leaders of tomorrow.

Make a Gift today (Link opens in a new window)


For over 100 years, U of T alumni have been an essential part of the fabric of Hart House. Through their engagement, alumni are helping to develop the next generation of caring leaders.

Shake hands


Through their gifts, donors are investing in the key priorities of this iconic student centre, helping today’s students become well-rounded individuals and engaged citizens.


Through their engagement, alumni and donors are ensuring that more students discover all that Hart House has to offer and help them achieve amazing things both today, and into the future.

Warden, David Kim welcomes the U of T Community

Weekly Activities

  • May 1 – May 31, 2024

    Talking Walls Exhibition: Stolen Futures

    The Hart House Youth Advisory Council invites you to take a glimpse into the minds of youth navigating the chaos of our stolen futures.

Your donation can help nurture the leaders of tomorrow.

By donating to Hart House, alumni and friends help lay the groundwork for future generations of well-rounded, compassionate, and resilient leaders. 

With donor support, we can ensure our beloved building has the strength and flexibility necessary to remain the heart of the university, nourishing mind, body and spirit.

Volunteers make a difference everyday at Hart House

Alumni and friends of Hart House play a key part in inspiring creative expression, sparking spirited debate and nurturing wellness in the leaders of the future. To find out more about volunteering with students, contact Bonnie Merchan-Douglas, Alumni Engagement & Stewardship or 416-946-7325.

A Recent Grad?

While you were a student, you were part of a caring and dynamic community where you could pursue passions outside of your academic discipline, forge lifelong friendships, find a home on campus and become your fullest self. Continue to be engaged within the larger U of T community of creative, compassionate global citizens who can rise to any challenge. Stay in touch, get involved, attend events or host your next event here. You are always welcome at Hart House!

Latest stories

At Hart House, you could go for a swim, run the track, listen to or take part in debates, visit the chapel, look at art and enjoy music. It's about forming the entire student, the entire person, and having an opportunity in a place where even simply taking part is valued and respected. Hart House offered that to me, a place to thrive.

Paul Paton, BA 1988 Trinity, LLB 1992

Hart House has been such an important part of my life. It has played a pivotal role. I have very fond memories and I think it's a valuable experience for all students. Hart House has a kind of magic that allows that interaction. Even though I'm not going there now, I'm still in touch with the people, and it really had an impact.

Debbie Sabadash, BA 1986, MA 1987; PhD 1993, BEd 1995

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Say yes to developing the next generation of leaders the world needs by donating to Hart House.

Give Now →(Link opens in a new window)

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